European Championship – Sesimbra, Portugal
Message from the Portuguese sharpie association:
Dear Friends
It seems finally possible to sail together again, this year. And we are all waiting for it.
That’s why we chose Sesimbra and their Club to welcome this year’s Championship.
We believe it’s going to be a memorable venue, due to excellent conditions that the Clube Naval de Sesimbra and the Portuguese Sharpie Association got together.
As you’ve already seen by the small presentation we sent you some time ago, the place is of outstanding beauty (Serra da Arrábida) and everything else was prepared bearing in mind the Sharpie Family.
Attached* (*below) please find the Manual for the event. All information is available there and entries can be done at once.
Please read it carefully, and please don’t hesitate to contact any of us for further information you may require.
We really hope to see you all in Portugal in July.
Apresentacao Campeonato Europeu 2022
Paulo Silveirinha
Sharpie Euro Teaser Portugal 2022